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SilverStone TJ11, the King of Kings - Test results and noise

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Test results and noise


cpu temperatures


gpu temperatures


In order to assess the best possible efficiency of the heat dissipation of the case, we used a profile of the GTX 480 fan fixed to 85%, to allow a more accurate assessment of the comparative and of the individual models taken into examination.

Due to the presence of "only two" 180mm fans you might expect a slight decrease of performance compared to the FT02LE (which has three AP181), but this did not happen, because of the "Air Duct" technology that allowed to improve performance, similar to what SilverStone did in the old but interesting TJ09. The absolute performances are fantastic, and you can expect a similar behavior with a SLI / CF configuration. Because of the orientation, in fact, there is no difference between the two cards. In traditional cabinet with standard orientation, instead, the upper graphics card can be even ten degrees hotter because of the heat convection phenomenon, that is to say the heat of lower video card tends to rise upwards. In other words, the upper graphics card mounted in a standard cabinet will have to bear all the heat from the graphics card below. In the TJ11, instead, the heat is expelled directly above and all cards benefit from a laminar flow which passes through them even when they are mounted in very close range.




The cabinet is quiet at idle, but you can clearly hear it at full load. Selecting "High", the excellent AP181s at full speed could create some nuisance but they move a very large amount of air, concentrated in the central part of the axis of rotation. At 700 RPM they are almost inaudible and performance are still high.




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